define - A lovely utility
I frequently use Google for finding several definitions. It feels always painful to run browser every time to grab some definitions. Being a terminal lover, I always wanted to do it on commandline. I wrote a few lines of python code, and its done.
I love this utility. Cheers !
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2,re,sys
def usage():
if sys.argv.__len__() is not 2:
print "usage: define < word >\n"
txt = define(sys.argv[1])
if txt is not None:
print '\n\033[31mDefinition of ' + sys.argv[1].upper() + ':\033[0m\n'+ txt+ '\033[0m\n'
print "\nNo definition found\n"
def define(str):
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'define grabber by t3rm1n4l')]
try:''+ str)
regex = re.compile("<li>[a-zA-Z,. ]*\.\.\.")
obj = regex.findall(txt)
return obj[0][4:]
UPDATE: toolz suggested me that it would be nice to print all the definitions avaliable.
So I have updated the script with more options :)
get it here
Google is playing more with User-agent strings. You won’t find same search results for different User-agent strings :). That’s fun.
$ define keyword -all # for printing all definitions
$ define keyword -4 # For printing 4 definitions
$ define keyword # prints 1 definiton