FOSSMeet @ MEC is over :)
Finally, FOSSMeet @ MEC is over. I have been working for a couple of weeks to host a Free and Open Source event at Model Engineering College. Today we have our first edition of FOSSMeet in the history of MEC. We had a great time listening to awesome speakers. Since it was a day coupled along with several holidays and being the end day of our Technical fest excel 2k9, the number of audience were less than what we expected.
The FOSSMeet kicked off with an inspirational talk by Atul Chitnis. It focussed on “FOSS in your career”. The talk explored the benefits of being foss savvy student and how FOSS helps students to build up their career and earn a good life.
The second talk was by Santhosh Thottingal on “Hacking the language”. It was an introduction to language computing. He illustrated various language computing tools available and the possibility of free software development in Indic computing. Santhosh also discussed about Google Summer of Code program :).
Third talk was by Shreyas Srinivasan on “The Charm of learning something new”. It was an energetic talk. Shreyas talked about the fun part of FOSS and how to get involved with Free and Open Source Community and Software development. Also Shreyas gave brief workout on fixing a bug on Gnome-do. Tracing the bug, finding out the solution, patching etc.
Fourth talk was on Blender, a Free and Open Source 3D animation software. Zadeeq, a fourth year student from Cochin university did the talk. He illustrated how to get started with animation and modeling with Blender.
The entire event went fine :)
The computer association of MEC is very happy to make the event happen.
See you next year for FOSSMeet @ MEC 2k10